I went to see Charlotte Gainsbourg perform live a few months ago in New York, she was touring to promote the new album, IRM. To say it was a dream come true was a bit of an understatement! She wore a phenomenal cut-away Balenciaga (it has to be!) little jacket that fit her like a glove, along with a rock tee and some skinny jeans that might as well have been painted on.
What can I say, she is so, so, so elegant, delicate, but bad-ass at the same time! Imagine her frolicking in the field and swinging her baby around in a Balenciaga leather jacket while puffing away on a Gauloise (not when the baby is around, of course, that would be unthinkable) ?!?! That's right!
Anyway, here is a little collection inspired by the very beautiful Charlotte Gainsbourg. What's all the Liberty prints got to do with rock & roll?! You wonder. Well, she is half British!